Ainsley Apel
Hi everyone! My name is Ainsley Apel, an Administrative Intern here at Midwest Financial Group. I recently graduated from St. Cloud State University in the Spring of 2024 with a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science as well as a double minor in Psychology and Biology. However, my education does not end there as I am currently a student in the Occupational Therapy Doctorate program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Although I am working towards a career in healthcare, my position here at MFG excites me as I am able to learn and grow within a professional team! I am learning more about the world of business while working with those who truly care for what they do. I am eager to utilize my skills behind the scenes, working to assist our team by any means necessary.
In my free time you can find me with friends and family just enjoying our time together! Some of my favorite activities are hiking, boating, recreational sports, baking, and even the occasional game of pickleball!